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Sen. Cory Booker is headed to New Hampshire next month to headline a major land Democratic Party fundraising dinner.

The New Hampshire Democratic Political party announced Thursday that the senator from New Jersey who unsuccessfully ran for his party's 2020 presidential nomination will headline the December. 11 McIntyre-Shaheen and Eleanor Roosevelt Winter Extravaganza. The gala volition aid boost the land party'southward coffers ahead of the 2022 midterms, when Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan and Reps. Annie Kuster and Chris Pappas will be running for reelection in the crucial full general ballot battlefield state.

While the announcement raised eyebrows regarding any futurity Booker White House run, Democratic strategists close to Booker's orbit made information technology crystal articulate that the senator's return to the state that holds the first primary in the White Business firm race is all about next year'southward midterm elections and non virtually the 2024 presidential election.


With the Democrats hoping to concord onto their razor-thin House and Senate majorities in next yr's midterms amongst a political climate and historical tailwinds that favor the GOP, Booker emphasized that "the road to protecting and expanding Democrats' Congressional majorities runs through New Hampshire."

"I'm looking forrard to seeing some old friends, touting my colleagues' record of delivering results for New Hampshire, and discussing the incredible progress President Joe Biden has made at building our economy dorsum better than before," Booker said in a statement.

Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey files to put his name of the New Hampshire presidential primary's Democratic ballot, in Concord, New Hampshire, on Nov. 15, 2019.

Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey files to put his proper noun of the New Hampshire presidential main's Democratic ballot, in Concur, New Hampshire, on Nov. 15, 2019. (Pull a fast one on News)

And a Democrat involved in the discussions betwixt the state party and Booker's team told Play tricks News that the 2024 presidential election "never came upwardly in the discussion, nor did anything across that."

Booker, who's known as a talented orator, is no stranger to New Hampshire. He campaigned in the state on behalf of President Obama and 2016 Autonomous presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, and has spoken a handful of times over the years at breakfasts hosted by the state's Democratic delegation at national conventions.

The senator heavily full-bodied his 2020 White House bid in New Hampshire, edifice up a formidable staff and focusing on the state'south tradition of retail politics. While his appearances at numerous business firm parties and town halls were well received in the Granite Land, Booker didn't resonate in national polling and struggled with fundraising. He ended his White House bid a calendar month before New Hampshire's February 2020 primary.


"Because of COVID, Cory Booker has never really been able to come back to New Hampshire," Granite State-based Autonomous consultant Jim Demers, who was a tiptop Booker 2020 adviser, told Fox News. "He made a lot of friends and he'south wanted to come back and spend some time with people who he met in New Hampshire. This is a really slap-up opportunity for him to do that."

Demers as well emphasized that Booker "made really close friendships with Reps. Chris Pappas and Annie Kuster (during his 2020 bid) and he has a really strong relationship with Maggie Hasson in the Senate. He actually did desire to come up support and lend a paw to the three of them as they run for reelection in 2022. That'due south a big cistron in why he's coming to headline this event."

A Democratic strategist in Booker's orbit concurred, noting that the senator'south "focused on his piece of work in the Senate and genuinely enjoys spending time with the people he met in New Hampshire during his presidential campaign."

The strategist, who asked to remain anonymous to speak more than freely, added that "downwardly the road it wouldn't surprise anybody if Sen. Booker decided to run for president again."

Just multiple people close to Booker say that another White Firm run volition not happen in 2024.

Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey holds a campaign rally outside the New Hampshire state house as he runs for the Democratic presidential nomination, in Concord, New Hampshire, on Nov. 15, 2019.

Sen. Cory Booker of New Bailiwick of jersey holds a campaign rally exterior the New Hampshire state house equally he runs for the Autonomous presidential nomination, in Concord, New Hampshire, on Nov. 15, 2019. (Fox News)

There's abiding speculation whether President Biden will run for reelection in 2024. Biden, who turns 79 this weekend, made history final Nov when he became the oldest person e'er elected president. If he campaigns for reelection in 2024 and wins, Biden would be 82 at his second inaugural and 86 at the end of his second term.

Asked in March at the start formal news conference of his presidency virtually his 2024 plans, Biden said, "My answer is yep. I program on running for reelection. That's my expectation."

And pundits were trying to read the tea leaves regarding Biden'south visit Tuesday to New Hampshire, where he made his showtime terminate in selling the sweeping infrastructure nib that he signed into police a day earlier.

If Biden doesn't run for reelection, Vice President Kamala Harris – the first female and Black vice president in American history – would be considered the next in line as the party'south standard bearer in the 2024 election. Those close to Booker point to his strong working relationship with Harris during their time together in the Senate and say that he would never claiming her in 2024 if she runs for president.

But for Booker, adjacent calendar month's trip to assistance New Hampshire Democrats in 2022 could peradventure pay dividends style down the road, in 2028 or beyond.


"He's stayed in touch. He'due south always maintained his relationships. I know that a lot of people in New Hampshire nevertheless text him and call him. He's merely the kind of person who likes to maintain relationships. He's a people person," a Democratic consultant shut to Booker told Fox News.

The consultant, who likewise asked for anonymity to speak more than freely, added that "y'all never know if sometime in the future he decides to brand another run."