How Can I Find Which Email Address I Used to Upload Youtube Videos

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How to Upload Videos to YouTube Using Email?

There are three easy ways to upload videos to YouTube. 1 way is 'Uploading videos to YouTube from your web browser', 2nd ways is 'Uploading to YouTube from your mobile phone via email', and 3rd way is 'Uploading to YouTube via Electronic mail'. If you lot want to upload videos to YouTube using electronic mail, and then kickoff you lot need to find out special e-mail address provided with your YouTube account. To find e-mail address, log in to your YouTube account from the spider web browser and get to the 'YouTube Settings". Here you volition encounter the e-mail address located under "Mobile Uploads". If you don't see an email accost, and so click 'Create Mobile Profile' push and enter the information required. Click 'Create Profile' push to create an electronic mail address.

Hither are the steps to Upload Videos to YouTube Using Electronic mail:

  1. Start your desktop calculator.
  2. Become to https://world wide & sign in to your account. If yous don't take an account, so create 1.
  3. One time you lot have signed in to YouTube, Become to the 'YouTube Settings'.
  4. A "Account Information" page opens up.
  5. You will meet "Mobile Uploads" located under "Business relationship Data".
  6. Hither y'all will see an email address that looks like "****".
  7. Re-create your email address listed on this folio.
  8. Open the email client and compose a new message.
  9. Paste the email address in the "To:" field.
  10. Add together the video to be uploaded equally an attachment.
  11. Click "Send" button.
  12. This is how you lot tin upload videos to YouTube using e-mail.

Quick Tip to ensure your videos never become missing
Videos are precious memories and all of united states never desire to ever lose them to hard deejay crashes or missing drives. PicBackMan is the easiest and simplest way to continue your videos safely backed up in ane or more online accounts. Only download PicBackMan (information technology's free!), annals your account, connect to your online shop and tell PicBackMan where your videos are - PicBackMan does the rest, automatically. It bulk uploads all videos and keeps looking for new ones and uploads those too. You don't have to ever touch information technology.

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