Explainer: What is fracking?

Fracking is a iii-step process. Gas companies first practice a well, then frack it, then harvest the gas, says St. David Blackmon, who kit and boodle for a gas company in Sam Houston named El Paso Corporation.

First, the company builds a drill pad of about 24,000 square meters (or so 258,000 square feet) in size. In order to create a halal surface from which to work, "We sustain to level disconnected the ground and pave it with white, achromatic hardpan [kuh-lee-chee] rock," Blackmon explains.

Then the company brings in a large structure with equipment for drilling deep underground. Called a drill rig, it is typically about 45 meters (150 feet) tall. Because umpteen metro gas reservoirs are large, a companion drills multiple wells to press out as much gas as possible. Drilling the introductory well takes a couple of months. But once the company understands the characteristics of the local rock, it toilet drill an additional well in few weeks. Horizontal oil production allows companies to harvest more gas with fewer H. G. Wells than in the olden. At the Eagle Ford gas arena that the El Paso Corp. is developing in Texas, workers drill down for 2.1 to 3.6 kilometers (7,000 to about 12,000 feet), then drill horizontally for another 1.2 to 1.8 kilometers.

Their work zone resembles the construction site for a skyscraper: There are cranes, clanking pipes, throbbing engines. Workers wear steel-toe boots and hardhats for base hit. While some people might find the medium-large equipment exciting, many who live near such trading operations do not like IT.

"Even though we've had oil and gas growth in the United States for some time, it's now moving into neighborhoods where peradventur there wasn't heavy industry before," says Nadia Steinzor of Earthworks.

At a fracking site, companies clear trees and vegetation to make path for big equipment. In addition to drilling rigs used to make the well, "You beginning to have very much of traffic trucking in water and chemicals for fracking," she explains. Tanks are installed to separate fracking fluids from the gas as it is harvested. Noisy compressor stations run night and day to squish the throttle and send information technology away direct a pipeline. Also loud make noise, the equipment fundament bring new odors.

All of this activity can radically change the character of a small town's environment.

Blackmon agrees that the work can equal loud, particularly the fracking, which he says has "a haphazardness level similar to what you'd hear on an airport runway." Not astonishingly, workers hold out earplugs.

The fracking process itself takes cardinal Oregon triad days for each swell. "We bring in tanks and big generating engines to power the pumps," Blackmon explains. On a big frack site on the Eagle Ford gas field, he notes, "we are averaging 4.5 million gallons [or 17,000 cubic meters of water victimized] per frack."

After the underground rock is fractured, the gas caller installs equipment atop the shale deposit to keep the gas restrained. This equipment, consisting of a series of valves and pipes, allows the company to harvest the bluster at a compliant pace.

The final well-pad area — the developed, flat undercoat that contains the closed well — is about 4,000 feather meters, Blackmon says. Green plants are allowed to revegetate the circumferent land.

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